How to turn your home into a stress-free zone.

by Marlenne - May 21, 2021

Research shows that our home reflects our inner state of mind. How great is it to know that YOU are in control? You are in control of the positive and negative energy that feeds our day and the little people around us. Now imagine a home that takes only 30 mins to clean every day. 

Before I had kids I found that my home was always “clean” but the true was that I just didn’t have my kids there to expose the mess hiding in my closet and other areas. After they were born I found myself having to clean my home 3 times a day just to keep up. 

We spend day in and day out cleaning after everyone and that is just taking away from building memories with our family. I have a place together a list of 5 steps to help turn your home into a welcoming sanctuary because it should never be the cause of you stress. 

A clean and tidy home can help to reduce stress and bring more peace to your life. By following these 5 tips, you can work to create a welcoming sanctuary that you’ll enjoy returning to each day. 

1. Decluttering

The first step to creating a tidy and clean home environment is to start decluttering. This may even be as simple as putting away (until you feel comfortable getting rid of it) the extra set of dishes in your kitchen. Keep only ONE set and watch how there are less dishes to wash during your day. Its that simple but it works, promise! With less visible clutter in your sink you will notice your stress disappear.

2. Little and Often

One of the most common issues we notice today is that homeowners tend to do a massive house clean a few times a year instead of having a regular cleaning schedule. Hiring a house cleaner can help you to keep on top of your cleaning instead of letting it build up over weeks and months. There’s nothing worse than having to spend a whole weekend cleaning because you’ve let things get into a terrible state, but by working with one of our team of cleaners, you’ll never have to worry about that again.

3. Start with the Smaller Tasks First

When it comes to cleaning your home, I always recommend starting with smaller tasks first. This will help you build momentum as you see the results from your work, encouraging you to then tackle some of the more demanding tasks. Of course, you could just leave those tasks to a professional cleaner, who will be more than happy to do any cleaning that still needs to be completed in your home.

4. Create a Sanctuary in Your Bedroom

We often spend so much time focusing on tidying communal areas of the home, such as the kitchen and living room, that the bedroom is neglected. You start and end each day in your bedroom, so you should aim to create a relaxing and welcoming environment to sleep in. Avoid letting piles of clothing build up in your bedroom, and make sure you are changing your bedding regularly to enjoy a good night’s sleep.

5. Create a Family Cleaning Schedule

By working with our team at Fresh House Cleaners in Los Alamos NM, you’ll be able to implement a cleaning schedule in your home. Between our visits, split any daily chores, such as cleaning the dishes or taking the trash out, between your family members. This will ensure that cleaning your home doesn’t just get put aside and that you won’t be left with an overflowing sink or trash bin at the end of the week.

At Fresh House Cleaners, we offer home cleaning services to fit your needs and schedule. We use an online booking system, so feel free to visit our website for more information and to start creating a more peaceful home environment today.

We all lead incredibly busy lives today, and the last thing we need is additional stress from a messy home. Of course, we understand that you may not have the time or energy to complete these tasks yourself. If that’s the case, make sure you get in touch with our team of local cleaners at Fresh House Cleaners, who will be more than happy to help you out around your home.